
How To Push Down Google Search Results

It is possible to remove, de-index, or bury search negative search results

In the online world, there are hundreds of thousands of websites that carry the same negative content about you. Software called bots can visit these sites and "scrape" the information from them to be copied to other websites. This duplication of negative content repeated over and over again on various sites and can be difficult or impossible to remove. Often, burying the content is the only method of reducing it's visibility.

While this information may have once been true, and may have been published legitimately, it is often old news and can be out of date or incorrect. Our service can remove these results from top search engines.

For most businesses and people it is critical that these embarrassing or damaging negative search results are removed, de-indexed or buried to avoid further damage to reputation, and reduce the opportunities coming their way.

Here are some of the most common ways to push negative search results down.

How to push negative search results down

  • Right to be forgotten (EU / Argentina only)
  • Removal at the source
  • Removal by a web host
  • De-index from search results with DMCA or similar
  • Publisher adds a NoIndex tag to the page header
  • Push bad search results down

negative search results

Can you use "Right to be Forgotten"?

Since 2006, citizens of Argentina and the European Union have been protected under a law that mandates Google to remove search results from their index under certain circumstances. This is called theRight to Be Forgotten. US citizens cannot use Right to Be Forgotten to remove search results.

De-indexing / removing search results from Google

Some search results can be removed from Google's web index through legal action. This involves a petition to Google forremoval. Examples of de-indexing content include removal of some tax ID numbers, bank account numbers, credit cards, signatures and sexually explicit images uploaded without the subject's consent. They also de-index according to legal requests such as theDigital Millennium Copyright Actrequests. If a removal seems possible we will advise clients to take that route first.

Removal at the source

Content can be removed, or hidden, at the source of publication if the publication itself agrees to it. In other words, they have to want to do it. For example, if it is to be removed from a web page the publisher/author would remove the content themselves.

Another method is to request the publisher add a specific meta tag to the web page in question that causes search engines like Google and Bing to "overlook" the page. The page still exists, but search engines no longer index it. This special tag is called a NoIndex tag. If an author adds this tag to any webpage, the page will be deleted from Google's index the next time their bot crawls it.

Pushing results down

The most common method to push search results down is the development of content that is more relevant and "stronger" than the page that you want to push down. This method uses powerfulsearch engineandcontent marketingtechniques and aims to dominate the first page or pages of search results using quality as brute force. It takes time to see the results, but it is a very effective method.

Examples of suppression

Suppression seeks to remake the first page or pages of search results in a way that is both relevant and helpful to searchers, but that also represents the subject fairly.

Examples of successful suppression campaigns:

  • Pushing Ripoff Report off the first page for a public relations firm
  • MovingSEC.govto the second page of search results for a corporation
  • Pushing negative WordPress blog posts off the first page of search results

The first step in a suppression campaign to push bad search results off of the first page is tocontact Reputation X. We will perform research that will inform us and you about the feasibility of the project. If we find the probability of the project's success to be high, we will develop a proposal that outlines the target goals and steps of the campaign.

We will then send our proposal to you, allowing you a review period. Adjustments can be made to ensure that your needs are met, as well as the overall criteria of the campaign. Once these things are approved and in order, we will set off on our mission to clean up the search results.

Negative search results FAQs

How do you push down negative content in search results?

Right to be Forgotten (EU). Removal at the source. Removal by a web host. De-index from search results with DMCA or similar. The publisher adds a NoIndex tag to the page header. Push bad search results down.

What is Right to be Forgotten?

Right to be Forgotten is a law that mandates Google to remove search results from their index under certain circumstances for citizens of Argentina and the European Union.

What types of negative content will Google remove?

Google will remove some tax ID numbers, bank account numbers, credit cards, signatures and sexually explicit images uploaded without the subject's consent.

How To Push Down Google Search Results


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