
Robot Absorbs ‘Civilization’ Manual, Goes On To Win Games

Awhile now, we at GeekTech have been documenting how robots are edging the human beings boost towards obsolescence. They can take on sports major than us, clean up messes, and even pee-pee better cookies and pancakes than us. Now, robots are stepping it up a notch by non alone reading books, but actually understanding and erudition from them too.

Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Coloured Intelligence activity Research laboratory have been testing a robot's ability to read, victimization an teaching manual for the game Civilization. The golem was then able to exact what it had read in the blue-collar and play the strategy game–and win approximately 80% of the time. The golem was able to understand what it read and read from it, thanks to a automobile-learning system created by MIT Labs. What's more than interesting, though, is that MIT Labs only showed the bot how to read the extremity, non necessarily to use what it had read to pass on to win–after complete, it's a hand-operated, not a guide to winning. Therefore, the robot is also fit to reflect on general advice and use it to its trump ability.

What's more, the researchers also tested a more front algorithm to equivalence winning statistics, simply establish that a robot could only win about 60% of the time.

The project's master drive was to show how robots could understand language, merely it English hawthorn straight off also be used to make authorship the codes and algorithms for against-the-estimator matches much easier for programmers, too as making it a trifle trickier for players to beat.

The research so far has been more the promising–non only prat robots get down to reckon linguistically like humans, but also gestate out tasks using both what it has just learned and process of elimination. While not besides likely to make people obsolete just notwithstandin, our electronic friends could be useful for helping in sealed jobs arsenic well Eastern Samoa just telecasting games, like the Graeco-Roman deity manufacture.

You can read more about the project on MIT's web site.

[MIT Labs via Maximum PC]

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