
Chinese Prisoners Allegedly Forced to Play ‘World of Warcraft’

Patently in that respect's a new typewrite of chain crew — a virtual one. According to The Guardian, Chinese prisoners are forced to play hours upon hours of "World of Warcraft," land essential metallic that the prison guards can past trade in the real world for nonvirtual cash.

Liu Dali, a old prisoner at the Jixi Labor Department camp in northeast Republic of China, told the Guardian that he spent his days breaking rocks and digging trenches and his nights playing telecasting games. That might healthy like a unobjectionable gig to hardcore gamers who spend hours performin "International of Warcraft" and other massive multiplayer online purpose playing games, only information technology wasn't such a pleasant experience for Dali, whose name was denaturized to protect his identity.

The prisoners are allegedly being forced to "gold farm" away guards.

According to Dali, 300 prisoners participated in the virtual chain gang, playing 12-hr shifts: "The computers were ne'er turned off." Prison house guards were reportedly able to sell the virtual currency for up to 6,000 Yuan dynasty a day, which is about $930 — not a bad sum.

The prisoners, who naturally never saw any of the money, also had quotas to meet. According to Dali, "If I couldn't complete my work quota, they would punish me physically. They would pee-pee Maine standpoint with my hands raised in the air and afterwards I returned to my dormitory they would beat me with pliant pipes. We unbroken playing until we could barely see things."

What the prisoners were doing is called "gold farming"– killing virtual creatures and completing practical quests to obtain virtual currency. Because gold farming is a tedious task — and the practical currency is needed in order to advance in the gamey — millions of gamers close to the world are willing and able to pay factual cash for the virtual gold.

Metal land is rampant in China, and an estimated 80 percent of all gold farmers are Chinese. Because trading virtual currency for real cash is somewhat untrustworthy, the Chinese government introduced a directive in 2009 making it illegal for businesses to trade essential currency unless they had a license. Dali was discharged from prison before this guiding, just he believes that prisoners are silent being victimized.

"Many prisons crossways the northeasterly of Mainland China also strained inmates to bring on games. It must nonmoving be happening," Dali told The Protector.

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