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Top Economics & Finance Blogs of 2018

It's 2018, and we're back with our list of the Top 101 Economics and Finance blogs. If you didn't see last year's list, check it out here. As was the case last year, 2018's list was compiled by the FocusEconomics Insights Blog with the help of the FocusEconomics team of economists. The criteria for inclusion in the list was simply that there were regular entries in the blog during the last year and that they are English-language blogs. In the future we'd like to compile a list of foreign-language blogs.

This year there is an eclectic mix of economics blogs from the Keynsian school to the Chicago school to the Austrian school and everything in between and around. We've included blogs on microeconomics, macroeconomics, sports economics and even water economics. Politics and public policy are again common themes in many of these blogs as the impact of politics and policy plays an important role in economics and vice versa. Let's also not forget the intersection between economics and finance. There are some purely finance and investment related blogs in this list as well as blogs that do a bit of it all.

As we did last year, we left out some of the bigger media bloggers such as Paul Krugman and Thomas Piketty. Our intention was to focus a bit more on some of the smaller blogs that you may not have heard of and to give you a mix of opinions as there appears to be a crisis of impartiality in much of the mainstream these days. Therefore, some of the blogs on this list are contrarian in nature and even in some cases highly controversial. We don't endorse all of the bloggers's viewpoints, however, we do acknowledge that there are two sides (or more) to every coin.

With all of that said, let's dive into the Top Economics and Finance Blogs of 2018 according to FocusEconomics. Again, the blogs are in no particular order although this time around they are not in alphabetical order and we have highlighted the new addtions to the list at the very top. There are "Focus topics" at the bottom of each entry that will help you identify if the blog is something that would interest you or not, in case you are short on time.

New Additions in 2018


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Daniel Lacalle

Daniel Lacalle is a PhD in Economics, Chief Economist at Tressis,SV and author of Life In The Financial Markets, The Energy World Is Flat" (Wiley) and Escape from the Central Bank Trap (BEP). He was recently ranked as one of the Top 20 most influential economists in the world by Richtopia and has over 24 years of experience in the energy and finance sectors. His website, which has both a Spanish and English version, has numerous articles and videos per week from Daniel himself. His writing is known for being provocative, insightful and informative. Frequent topics covered in his aritcles are global economics, monetary policy, energy, cryptocurrencies and financial markets. Click on the button to the left to visit his website and follow him on Twitter to get daily commentary on financial markets and economics.

Focus topics: Finance, global economics, macroeconomics, monetary policy


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Coordination Problem

Want to brush up on your Austrian economics? This blog is probably a good place to do it. Coordination Problem is a shared blog between professors from the Austrian school of economics who comment on subjects such as free markets, methodological individualism, as well as some of the most celebrated economists associated with the Austrian school such as Mises, Hayek and Kirzner.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, economic history


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Peter Martin

Peter Martin is the economics editor for The Age, writes for the Sydney Morning Herald and contributes to numerous other media outlets. He has been described as one of the "best economics journalists" in Australia, and you can get all of Peter's pieces all in one place on his website, so don't miss it.

Focus topics: General economics, global economics, Australia economy


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Core Economics

Originally created by Joshua Gans, an Australian economist that currently teaches at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, Core Economics is now a multiauthored blog. Although many topics are covered in the blog due to the nature of having various contributors, the blog generally covers economic issues and economic policy, along with a bit of business strategy, technology and innovation thrown in for good measure.  Give it a go.

Focus topics: General economics, public policy


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Triple Crisis

The Triple Crisis blog was co-founded and maintained by Jayati Ghosh and Kevin P. Gallagher, professors of economics and global development policy respectively. The blog centers on what they refer to as a triple crisis of finance, development and the environment. It seeks to open a global dialogue concerning these three crises on, "how they interact, and how they can collectively be solved." Check this one out if you are interested in learning more about the triple crisis.

Focus topics: Finance, development, environment


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Credit Writedowns

Credit Writedowns is a blog dedicated to bringing well-informed views on economics, finance, markets and foreign policy to the masses. The blog was founded by Edward Harrison, a career diplomat and investment banker and frequent contributor to the likes of the BBC, CNBC, Fox and RT, among other outlets. The blog also features pieces written by some other familiar economics and finance gurus included on this list, such as Steve Keen, Frances Coppola, Claus Vistesen, and Michael Hudson.

Focus topics: Finance, general economics, public policy


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New Economic Perspectives

As are a few of the blogs on this list, New Economic Perspectives was born out of the global financial crisis back in 2007. The blog provides public policy and economic analysis advice from various economic professionals, legal scholars, and financial market gurus. Currently, William K. Black, professor of Law and Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansis City is the editor-in-chief, but there numerous other contributors, so don't miss out on this one.

Focus topics: Finance, General economics, public policy


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Donald Marron

Donald Marron is a former member of the Council of Economic Advisers to the President of the United States as well as part of U.S. Congress's Joint Economic Committee. He is currently the director of the Urban Institute Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Initiatives. He also muses about economics, finance and life in his spare time on his blog.

Focus topics: General economics, finance


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Macro and Other Market Musings

David Beckworth is a senior fellow of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and formerly an international economist at the United States Department of the Treasury. Beckworth specializes in monetary economics, international economics, and capital markets and he muses on these topics on his blog Macro and Other Market Musings. His blog also features a weekly podcast where you can listen to him "pull back the curtains on the important macroeconomic issues of the past, present and future."

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, finance, global economics, monetary policy


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Naked Keynesianism

If you want a description of Naked Keynesianism, the closest you get to that on Matias Vernengo's blog is "hemlock for economics students." Although that doesn't sound too inviting, Vernengo's blog is a great source for anyone interested in macroeconomics, one of his specialties. Vernengo is a professor of economics at Bucknell University that specializes in macroeconomics, economic development, Latin American economic history, and the history of economic ideas. Vernengo emphasizes the importance of the history of ideas for the development of economic theory. If that sounds like your bag, don't miss out on Naked Keynsianism.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, development, economic history


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Chaganomics is a news oriented blog network that uses economics and data to educate and inform the reader about all facets of the universe inside markets, economics, law and business. The site originated as the blog platform of financier and author Chad Hagan in 2010. A dyed-in-the-wool market skeptic, Hagan is a contrarian, steeped in liberal economics, and noted for his take no prisoners approach to deals and investments. As the CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Hagan Capital Group (, investments led by Chad have been covered by global business news including Reuters, Bloomberg, Fortune and The Wall Street Journal

Focus topics: Finance, general economics


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Nevins Research

Daniel Nevins, CFA, has invested professionally for thirty years, including more than a decade at both J.P. Morgan and SEI Investments. He is perhaps best known for his behavioral economics research, which was included in the curriculum for the Chartered Financial Analyst® program and earned him recognition as one of the founders of goals-based investing. He has an economics degree from the Wharton School of Business and a degree from the University of Pennsylvania's engineering school. He is also the author of the recently released book Economics for Independent Thinkers. Check out his website, Nevins Research, a blog that goes against the grain and rejects mainstream economics, seeking to discover ideas from the "neglected corners of economics and the invesment worlds."

Focus topics: Finance, monetary policy, general economics


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Dr. Ed's Blog

Dr. Ed is the President and Chief Investment Startegist for Yardeni Research, Inc., a provider of independent investement strategy and economic research. Dr. Ed's blog highlights excerpts from the company's research, which means you get all of that for free. Don't miss out on this one.

Focus topics: Finance, general economics


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Michael Hudson

Michael Hudson is a veteran Wall Street financial analyst, a distinguished professor of economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and a published author of numerous books including his most recent, J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception. He also happens to counsel governments such as those of China, Iceland and Latvia on tax and finance policy. That certainly qualifies him, so don't miss checking out his blog in which he discusses "finance, real estate, and the power of neoliberalism."

Focus topics: General economics, finance


James D. Hamilton and Menzie Chinn are both professors of economics, the former at UCSD and the latter at UW Madison. They also run the Econbrowser blog, which provides analysis of current economic data, issues and macroeconomic policy, especially regarding the U.S. economy. This one is a must-read.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, U.S. economy, public policy


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Mainly Macro

Mainly Macro is a blog written for both economist and non-economists alike, which makes it a great blog for just about anyone interested in economics. Simon Wren-Lewis, an economic policy professor at Oxford University, runs the blog and comments on global macroeconomic issues on a close to daily basis. Don't forget to check this one out.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, global economics


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Economic Policy Journal

Robert Wenzel is an economist out of the Austrian school whose vision of liberty is "more radical than that of the founding fathers." He is the editor and publisher of which covers issues related to free markets, liberty and Wenzel's own theory of Private Property Society. If you're a little unsure of what exactly his theory entails, we encourage you to read about it on his blog. It's well worth it.

Focus topics: General economics


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Economics One

John B. Taylor is one of the most influential economists in the world today, having worked for numerous U.S. Presidential administrations in various capacities, he is now an economics professor at Stanford University. Economics One is his blog where you can learn from one of the most celebrated economists of the present-day. This blog is great for economics enthusiasts of all kinds and you can expect analysis and astute commentary on all kinds of current macroeconomic issues.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics


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Knowledge Problem

Knowledge Problem is a blog by two economics PhDs, Lynne Kiesling and Michael Giberson. The blog focuses on economics in general, as well as energy markets, environmental policy, and politics. Don´t skip this blog, and be sure to check out their "How cool is this?" section for, well, some cool stuff.

Focus topics: General economics, energy, public policy

Top Economics & Finance Blogs Keeping Their Place in 2018


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Coppola Comment

Frances Coppola spent 17 years working in the banking sector, however, she is no longer doing that and instead comments on it through here finance and economics blog , the Coppola Comment. A regular feature on the FT Alphaville blog, Coppola writes long, well-researched and well-written, pieces on everything from finance, economics and even music.

Focus topics: General economics, finance


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Worthwhile Canadian Initiative

The Worthwhile Canadian Initiative is a "mainly Canadian economics blog." The blog is currently maintained by four economics professors, namely Stephen Gordon, Frances Woolley, Nick Rowe and the Northern Economist,Livio Di Matteo. Topics covered on the blog generally encompass macroeconomics, but also include politics, immigration, inequality, finance and education.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, Canadian economics


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True Economics

True Economics is the blog created by Constantin Gurdgiev, a Russian-Irish economist and currently a Professor of Finance at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterrey, California, and an Adjunct Professor of Finance with Trinity College, Dublin. His blog is a daily commentary on global economic, financial, and political news, analyzing how they impact the markets, economies and the readers themselves. True Economics is highly recommended for anyone looking for the very best in daily economic trends, analysis, and commentary.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics


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The Market Ticker

Karl Denninger is an American technology businessman, finance blogger, and political activist. He is the man behind the Market Ticker, a finance blog which features his commentary on capital markets. When asked to describe his blog, Denninger responded simply, "commentary on the intersection between economics and politics." Short and sweet. Fair enough.

Focus topics: Economics, finance, politics


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Confessions of a Supply-Side Liberal

Miles Kimball,Eugene D. Eaton Jr. Professor of Economics at the University of Colorado and a columnist for Quartz, is the supply-side liberal. Within his confessions he "holds many strong opinions—open to revision in response to cogent arguments—that do not line up neatly with either the Republican or Democratic Party." His core topics apply supply-side solutions to macroeconomic issues and novel approaches to monetary policy.

Focus topics: Supply-side economics, monetary policy


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The Capital Spectator

James Picerno's Capital Spectator is another all-encompassing economics, investment, and finance blog. The focus of the blog is macreconomics, the business cylce and portfolio growth strategy emphasizing asset allocation and related analytics. Picerno has been writing on macreconomics and finance for over 20 years. He's written for Bloomberg, Dow Jones and other related media groups. The Capital Spectator is a blog for people interested in everything economics, finance and investment.

Focus topics: General economic, finance, investment


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Of Two Minds

Charles Hugh Smith is a bit of a different sort of character on this list consisting mostly of blogs from institutions and academics. Smith is a writer by trade, which you can pick up from his writing, but his knowledge on finance and economics is also there for all to see in his well-written contrarian blog, Of Two Minds. Once ranked #7 on a list of the "Best Alternative Finance Blogs" by CNBC, Of Two Minds is a great blend of discussions rooted in economics and finance while also frequently tying it all together with his views on social issues that many are confronted with today. Smith's viewpoints often go against the grain of those that one will find in the mainstream, however, they are well-articulated, cogent arguments that provide the reader with a prespective coming from the other side.

Focus topics: General economics, finance, society


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Angry Bear

The Angry Bear blog is a multi-author blog that covers news, politics and economics. The contributors to the blog are some of the best in the business such as emeritus professors, tax law experts, historians, business consultants, economics PhDs, finance professionals and many more. The articles on Angry Bear cover just about everything under the sun related to economic and political issues, yet the coverage of each issue does not suffer in quality. Each article is deep, well-researched, well-written, and also engaging. Topics covered on Angry Bear include global and U.S. economics, public policy, healthcare, law and politics.

Focus topics: International and U.S. economics, public policy, politics


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Mike Norman Economics

Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader. With over 30 years of experience working on Wall Street under his belt, he is certainly a foremost authority on trading, finance and invesment. He was previously a business conrtibutor for Fox News for over 10 years, a manager of some of the largest hedge funds in the world, a former member of the NYMEX, CEM, COMEX, and NYFE as well as a manager of a proprietary trading desk for Credit Suisse. He is also currently an educator, teaching students Foreign Exchange trading.

Norman is a propent of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). His blog Mike Norman Economics, an economics, investment, trading and policy blog, focuses on Modern Monetary Theory seeking to dispell many of the fallacies and myths that are common in mainstream economic thinking today. The blog, other than the typical text posts, also includes a long list of podcasts and videos, which is fairly unique to many of the other blogs on this list.

"We seek the truth, avoid the mainstream and are virulently anti-neoliberalism." If that sounds like your cup of tea, we suggest you have a look.

Focus topics: Economics, investment, public policy


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Ed Dolan's Econ Blog

You may have heard of Ed Dolan from Economonitor, however, his original blog is Ed Dolan's Econ Blog. Both blogs continue to exist independently of each other, however the content on both is essentially mirrored. There is a third variant that has actually caught on like wild fire to the surprise of Dolan himself. Ed Dolan's SlideShare is filled with slideshows some of which are derived from the original blog posts. Where his blog and the SlideShare differ is that many of the slideshows are on subjects of a more"evergreen" nature. They have a much longer shelf life than the text blogs, especially those that are intended to be "tutorials" or "explainers" on topics such as quantitative easing or exchange rates. Ed recently became a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center. He's also been blogging quite frequently for them, especially on healthcare policy, so don't miss out on that. Whether it's Dolan's text blogs or his SlideShare site, you can certainly expect to learn something from Ed Dolan.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics


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Prof Steve Keen

Australian economist, Steve Keen, is currently a professor of economics at Kingston University in London, UK. Steve Keen was on this list last year with his blog Steven Keen's Debt Watch, which analyzes the theory of debt deflation, arguing that the global private debt bubble is the cause of economic crises especially during the Global Financial Crisis. Although content is still published on Steve Keen's Debt Watch, he is mostly creating his content these days through his Patreon Page, where he publishes daily podcasts. He generally focuses on macroeconomic analysis sprinkled in with his contrarian economic ideas and criticisms of neoclassical economics. Also worth mentioning is that he is now publishing a column twice a week on Russia Today. Prof Steve Keen is creating realistic economics for a post-crash world. Catch him on Patreon.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics


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Sparse Thoughts of a Gloomy Eurpoean Economist

Haunted by recent political inaction and ideology in economic analysis, Francesco Saraceno, a senior economist at OFCE Sciences-Po, an international research university located in France, is a gloomy European economist. Gloomy, however, does not mean uninteresting. His personal blog, Sparse Thoughts of a Gloomy Economist, centers generally on macroeconomics and economic policy, especially at a European level with some pessimistic undertones, which gives the blog a bit of spice.

Focus topics: European economics, monetary policy, politics


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Quantitative Ease

Carola Binder's Quantitative Ease is an economics blog, like many of the other blogs on this list, focused primarily on the intersection between macroeconomics, monetary policy and finance. Binder is an Associate Professor of Economics at Haverford College having earned her PhD in Economics from U.C. Berkley just recently in 2015. Her blog often discusses issues related to uncertainty and public perception in a context of macroeconomic policy making and how public policy influences the public perception. Was it the chicken or the egg? Carola Binder attempts to illuminate the answer to that question and many more related to macroeconomics in Quantitative Ease.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, monetary policy, behavioral economics


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Antonio Fatas on the Global Economy

Antonio Fatas is a professor at INSEAD Business School, a Senior Policy Scholar at the Center for Business and Public Policy at the McDonough School of Business (Georgetown University, USA) and a Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research (London, UK). So, it's safe to say, he's qualified.The title of Antonio Fata's blog pretty much says it all. If you are interested in the global economy, Fatas shares his views on economic and financial market trends in easy to read articles in this blog.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, international economics


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The Grumpy Economist

John Cochrane is the Grumpy Economist, but don't let the name scare you off, he actually asserts that he isn't really all that grumpy. John is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University. His blog features "commentary, news, and views from a free-market perspective." His posts provide detailed commentary along with data on economic news, finance and public policy.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, finance, public policy


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The Dangerous Economist

With many different kinds of economists on this list, this is the only dangerous one. Cyril Morong is the Dangerous Economist. He is also a professor of economics at San Antonio College in the Lone Star State of Texas. Cyril seems to use the blog for teaching purposes, often picking up on popular news items to illuminate how everyday news pieces are influenced or driven by economic themes and ideas. This blog is recommeded for anyone looking to learn the basic principles and how they can be applied to everday news and events.

Focus topics: General economics


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Acting Man

Pater Terebrarum's Acting Man, a contrarian blog from the Austrian school, is a humerous, sometimes cynical, commentary on the economy and markets. Complete with data, charts and well-researched analysis, Acting Man is the place to read articles on the economy that will not only keep you informed, but also have you chuckling at the same time.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, financial markets


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Barter is Evil

Barter is Evil is a blog run by David T. Flynn, a professor of economics at the University of North Dakota. His blog covers economics, economic history and statistics. It also puts a particular emphasis on North Dakota. Although one might think of North Dakota as a small and insignificant place in relation to the rest of the world, Flynn's blog gives a unique up close perspective on North Dakota, which has enjoyed a lot of media attention from afar related to the shale oil boom and the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Focus topics: Economics, economic history, statistics, North Dakota


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CEPR Blog & Beat the Press

The Center for Economic Policy and Research was established in 1999 "to promote democratic debate on the most important economic and social issues that affect people's lives." To that end, the organization seeks to inform the public of the problems and choices they face and, "is committed to presenting issues in an accurate and understandable manner, so that the public is better prepared to choose among the various policy options."

The CEPR has various blogs that are centered on different economic and social topics. One to single out from the rest would be CEPR co-founder, Dean Baker's Beat the Press, which includes his commentary on economic reporting. Another blog of note from the CEPR is the America's Blog, which seeks to shed light on key economic and political issues in the Western Hemisphere that are often over-looked or underreported in the mainstream media. The generic CEPR blog is also worth mentioning, which is a collection of posts from CEPR staff on generic economic and monetary policy issues, many of which focus on the U.S. The Guardian once said of the CEPR, "in a world of Goliath's, CEPR makes a rather effective David." If any of that sounds interesting to you, we recommend you have a look.

Focus topics: Public Policy, Socioeconomics, U.S. economy, Latin American economy


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Managerial Econ

If you are interested in solving managerial problems and decision making with economics, Managerial Econ is right up your alley. Luke Froeb, former Director of the Bureau of Economics at the Federal Trade Commission and currently the William C. Oehmig Chair of Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at Vanderbilt University, is the author of several books on managerial economics. Froeb's blog is a great blend of business and economics.

Focus topics: Managerial economics, business, macroeconomics


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The Beacon Blog

The Beacon, a group blog of the Independent Institute, examines economic policy, healthcare, education, civil liberties, and political trends, all from a pro-market, pro-liberty perspective. Although written by scholars and PhDs, the style is accessible and often conversational. Independent also has two other blogs: MyGovCost News & Blog focuses on the costs and consequences of various U.S. federal and state government programs, including government indebtedness and bureaucratic overreach. Voces de Libertad, its Spanish-language blog, features coverage of Latin America, as well as translations of content from Independent Institute's English-language website. Founded in 1986, Independent Institute is a non-partisan research and educational organization whose mission is "to boldly advance peaceful, prosperous, and free societies grounded in a commitment to human worth and dignity."

Focus topics: General economics, politics, public policy, social issues


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Conversable Economist

Timothy Taylor is the author of several economic books and currently the managing editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives. He is also the Conversable Economist. What makes him conversable? Well, borrowing the term from David Hume, Taylor likens himself to an ambassador from the world of economics that uses his blog to impart his knowledge onto his readers to provide them with topics of conversation beyond the typical, "series of gossiping stories and idle remarks," as Hume put it. Taylor typically writes on macroeconomic topics with long, well-written, well-researched posts, backed up with statistics and charts.

Focus topics: Economic theory, general economics

Colin Lloyd - Top Economic Bloggers - FocusEconomics

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In the Long Run

In the Long Run is a blog by Colin Lloyd, a veteran of financial markets of more than 30 years. The blog is intended to provide longer-term macroeconomic commentary and analysis for financial market investors.

"I'm interested in markets which are moving and economic situations which will move markets. I tend to focus on the largest economies first, but I have written about some more esoteric places too. I also write about asset classes and this can encompass smaller economies too," commented Lloyd in an email recently.

Lloyd also hosts an online tv-program in conjuntion with Linear Investments entitled Linear Talk in which he covers items about Macro and Hedge Fund performance and interviews a range of guests.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, finance, investment


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Morss Global Finance

Elliott Morss has a PhD in Political Science and has taught at numerous universities around the world, most recently at the University of Palermo in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has also worked for the IMF in the Fiscal Affair department. Most of his career has been spent as an economic consultant to developing nations on issues of trade, finance and environmental preservation. He has coauthored 6 books and been published in over 50 professional journals. His blog Morss Global Finance covers everything from global economics, entertainment, health, investing and, of course, wine. It is an eclectic mix, but a good one.

Focus topics: International economics, finance, investment


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Adam Smith's Lost Legacy

Everything you could possibly want to know about Adam Smith and more is present in this blog by Gavin Kennedy. An Emeritus Professor, Kennedy, covers with his blog, among other topics, "the myth of the invisible hand" with "not a little gusto!" Kennedy has written two books on Adam Smith, with the third set to come out in June of this year. When I emailed Kennedy recently, he had this to say:

"There are many Adam Smith's walking the Academy, almost all of them invented when, in fact, the only Adam Smith that matters, the one born in 1723 and who died in 1790, is hardly known, yet he was in fact far more interesting and noteworthy than those invented since the mid-20th century cardboard cut-out spawned from Paul Samuelson and various other Nobel Prize winners."

If you are interested in Adam Smith, economic ideas and history, Adam Smith's Lost Legacy is a blog right for you.

Focus topics: Economic history, economic ideas, Adam Smith


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Mostly Economics

Describing himself as a "random econ blogger," Amol Agrawal has distinguished himself as an authority on the Indian economy through his blog, Mostly Economics. Although the blog has been traditionally focused on Indian economics, there are posts concerned with economics of a more global nature. If you are interested in the Indian economy or just economics in general, Amol's blog is a good place to start.

Focus topics: Indian economy, general economics


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Roger Farmer's Economic Window

Roger E. Farmer is Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, Research Director at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) and Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Roger Farmer's Economic Window is a blog that is as close to being purely economic as you can get discussing economic theory, ideas, and history, it generally focuses on macroeconomic analysis and monetary policy, especially in the U.S. and UK.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, monetary policy


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David Smith is the Economics Editor of The Sunday Times and EconomicsUK is his personal blog. Smith's blog is geared toward general economics and is often focused on the UK. Through posts written by himself and occasionally by guest contributors, his blog aims to provide anyone interested in economics with the knowledge necessary to stimulate economic discussion and debate.

Focus topics: Europe economy, public policy


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Mish Talk

Mike Shedlock a.k.a. Mish is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management and runs the blog Mish Talk, a daily blog on global economics.

"My blog focuses on the global macro picture, both foreign and domestic. I cover trends in jobs, currencies, gold, equities, interest rates, GDP, and the impacts of political decisions on the markets." Mish, therefore, pretty much covers it all with Mish Talk.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, Interational economics, commodities, forex


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Dash of Insight

Jeff is the President of New Arc Investments, Inc. and a former professor of advanced research methods at the University of Wisconsin. Dash of Insight, which Jeff started over 10 years ago, is an excellent source of finance, economics and political news designed to help the individual investor spot the best opportunities. Jeff's blog is not about advancing an opìnion, instead he uses sound research methods to identify unsound conclusions helping people avoid the trap of blindly following "celebrities, pseudo-experts, or those who profit by selling fear." Jeff has a wealth of experience in trading and managing investments and draws on his past experiences as a college professor and consultant for U.S. government agencies to help him write Dash of Insight. He regularly recognizes the good work done by others in his blog, which is most often evident in his comprehensive weekly posts entitled "Weighing the Week Ahead" where he details news and pieces from other sites highlighting the themes of the upcoming week.

Focus topics: Economics, finance, politics, investment


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Econometrics Beat

Looking for something a little more statistics and data driven? Look no further than Econometrics Beat, by Dave Giles. A professor of Economics at the University of Victoria, Canada, Giles's blog, as the name suggests, has a strong focus on econometrics. So if you like stats, data, math, and economics, this is the blog for you.

Focus topics: Econometrics


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Enlightenment Economics

Enlightment Econmmics takes a bit of a different approach to blogging than do some of the other blogs on this list. Diane Coyle, a professor of economics at the University of Manchester, uses her blog to essentially review books on economics and comment on the arguments made by the authors with her own views. If you are someone that enjoys a good book and you are interested in economics, this blog might be one for you.

Focus topics: Economic theory


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David Andolfatto is the Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the author of MacroMania, a purely macroeconomic blog covering not only the U.S. but other countries of interest around the globe. If you like macroeconomics, this blog will make your day.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, monetary policy


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Lars P. Syll

Lars P. Syll has a PhD in Economics and is currently a professor of civics at Malmö University in Sweden. Syll describes himself as a "critical realist" who opposes "all kinds of social constructivism and postmodern relativism". As a social scientist and an economist in the mold of John Maynard Keynes, Syll's blog covers topics such as education, theory of science and methodology, politics and society, as well as economics and econometrics.

Focus topics: Economic theory, politics, econometrics, general economics


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John Quiggin

John Quiggin is an Australian laureate fellow in economics and professor at the University of Queensland, and a board member of the Climate Change Authority of the government of Australia. His blog named simply, John Quiggin, features commentary on Australian news and world events from "a social democratic perspective." Popular topics on his blog include economic policy, the environment, and politics.

Focus topics: General economics, public policy, environmental economics


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The Aleph Blog

The Aleph Blog is run by David J. Merkel, CFA. Merkel has been writing on economics, finance and investment for a number of years starting with back in 2003. He was the Chief Economist and Director of Research of Finacorp Securities until 2010. Since then he has run his own equity asset management shop, called Aleph Investments. When we exchanged emails a few weeks back, he had this to say about the Aleph Blog:

"Aleph Blog is different. It doesn't have a fixed set of topics that it covers. If something is hot in economics, finance or investing, and I think I have differential insight, I write about it. I have experience in most areas of the financial markets, and I have studied all of them. I'm an actuary and a quant, but I also study history – insight is more powerful when you can meld quantitative and qualitative insight. My education was as an economist, but I am a heretic there – I think the models lack validity. Economists got physics envy, and tried to get too precise, when they could have done a good job being good qualitative describers of economic activity using simpler math. Finally, Aleph Blog is about risk control, because if you can take intelligent, moderate risks, you can do very well in investing."

Does that sound like something you might be interested in?

Focus topics: General economics, finance, investing


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 J.P. Koning is a data journalist and graphic designer at Financial Graph & Art, where he creates infographics filled with charts and graphs that tell a story with images rather than text. Ironically, he also writes a blog called Moneyness that is very popular. Moneyness is a blog generally on finance and economics, but more specifically, as one might guess, the blog is about money. Whether it be monetary economics, monetary policy, central banking, alternative money, gold, and payment systems, Koning blogs about it. You may also find posts dealing with economic history, stock markets and data visualization. Koning is a talented fella. His blog is one we recommend you have a look at.

Focus topics: Monetary policy, economics, finance


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David Adolfatto is the Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the author of MacroMania, a purely macroeconomic blog covering not only the U.S. but other countries of interest around the globe. If you like macroeconomics, this blog will make your day.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, monetary policy


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The Undercover Economist

Another economist on our list, Tim Harford is a senior columnist for the Financial Times. His blog, The Undercover Economist, is based on the first of several books that he has written. The blog is essentially a collection of Harford's musings on everyday events and the economic ideas that lie underneath. Having worked at Shell, The World Bank, and as an educator at Oxford University, Harford draws on his life experiences to bring a unique perspective to economics, business and politics and how they affect us in our everyday lives. In addition to his blog, be sure to check out his latest book Fifty Things that Made the Modern Economy.

Focus topics: General economics


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This one is a bit different from the rest, but if you are interested in water policy, David Zetland, an assistant professor of economics at Leiden University College, has what you need. With global drought conditions strengthening, sourcing clean water has not only become more difficult, but also more expensive. This has led many to believe that water is or will become the new oil. The importance of water policy therefore could be considered paramount if this trend continues. Zetland's blog will teach you about the political economy of water policy as well as a lot of other cool stuff related to water, like water jets that can cut through bowling balls.

Focus topics: Water economics and policy


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The Money Illusion comes from EconLog contributor Scott Sumner. The blog primarily provides commentary on monetary policy. He also has recently started to blog on subjects which he is in favor of such as neoliberalism, utilitarianism, and pragmatism as well as nationalism, of which he is not a fan. "I'd like to see more accountability, more transparency, and a bigger role for market expectations in the setting of monetary policy instruments." This blog is one for the monetary economics enthusiasts and otherwise interested parties.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, monetary economics


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Supply and Demand (in that order)

This blog written by Casey B. Mulligan, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, is focused mainly on labor economics, fiscal policy and of course the fundamental economic concept of supply and demand, as the name of the blog would suggest. He argues that supply and demand are immensely useful to understand and predict everyday occurences in the world. Read this blog to better understand how labor supply and labor demand influence employment, income and wages, as well as other concepts related to labor economics.

Focus topics: Labor economics, fiscal policy


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The Big Picture

Barry Ritholtz' The Big Picture offers just about anything one could ask for in terms of investing, trading, macroeconomics and "everything else in between." Ritholtz is the founder and chief investment officer of Ritholtz Wealth Management and is a frequent guest and commentator on economics and finance for major news outlets. Economists by nature tend to be pessimistic and sometimes Ritholtz' posts take a pessimistic tone, however, that may have more to do with being an avid New York Knicks basketball fan than an economist. All jokes aside, this blog is definitely worth your consideration to start reading in 2017.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, finance, investment


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Wolf Richter, runs WOLF STREET, an often cynical or tongue-in-cheek blog that digs into economic, business, and financial issues, complex entanglements, and other debacles or opportunities in the US, Europe, Japan, China, and occasionally some other locations. He often has guest bloggers contributing to content on the site, which brings an eclectic crowd of unique points of view from writers other than Wolf himself.

Wolf is a former c-level employee with various multinational and venture capital firms. His blog covers everything from business, to finance, to economics and commodities related topics all in one place. This blog is one to check out.

Focus topics: Business, Finance, Economics


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Robert P. Murphy's Free Advice

Do you want free advice? Robert P. Murphy has it for you in his blog aptly titled, "Free Advice." If you are interested in other perspectives apart from Keynsian economics, Murphy's blog comments on current events from the perspective of the Austrian school of economics.

Focus topics: General economics


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The Market Monetarist

The Market Monetarist is written by Danish economist Lars Christensen. He has had a long career in economics starting as an economic policy analyst at the Danish Ministry of Economic Affairs from 1996 to 2001 and was subsequently the Head of Emerging Markets research at Danske Bank in Copenhagen until 2015. His blog, which has existed since 2011, is focused on monetary policy. Since its beginning, the blog has contributed to the development of the the school of Market Monetarism. Other proponents of the Market Monetarist school include Scott Sumner, David Beckworth, Nick Rowe and Marcus Nunes. Christensen's blog is more global oriented than the other Market Monetarist blogs, which tend to be more U.S. centric. Among some of the more controversial topics on The Market Monetarist blog has been Lars Christensen's call for "Currency War" as something positive in a deflationary world. Christensen has been highly critical of the euro and the conduct of monetary policy in the Euro Zone. Christensen is a long-term advocate of nominal GDP targeting as a monetary policy rule. Lars Christensen is currently the CEO, founder and owner of Markets & Money Advisory.

Focus topics: Market monetarism, monetary economics


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Economist's View

Do you want to get an economist's view of the world? Read Mark Thoma's blog Economist's View. Thoma is a professor of economics at the University of Oregon specializing in macroeconomics and econometrics. He often posts a daily round up of economic and finance related links of interest as well as his own commentary on the economic happenings particularly concering the U.S. economy.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, econometrics, U.S. economy


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Don't worry, I'm an Economist!

Vuk Vukovic, as the title of his blog points out, is an economist. He is also currently a DPhil student at the University of Oxford and previously a lecturer at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management. Vukovic blogs about economics and politics in the U.S., UK and Europe, but more specifically, his blog posts are often focused on political economy, macroeconomics and occasionally some institutional economics. Vukovic often uses everyday examples to illustrate his ideas, which makes his posts more readable and relatable to just about everyone.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, institutional economics, political economy


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The Sports Economist

This one is for all of the sports enthusiasts out there. The Sports Economist is a blog that combines sports with economics. The blog is a group blog consisting of mostly economics PhDs. There isn't much out there on the economics of sports, however, sports provides an excellent opportunity to apply economic ideas to an everyday subject. Essentially, it makes economics fun for those that would normally find the subject to be a drab one while at the same time still being educational. Even those that aren't sports fans might find The Sports Economist interesting, as it is something relatively scarce in the economics blogosphere.

Focus topics: Sports economics


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Alpha Sources Blog

Claus Vistesen is a Danish economist and currently the Chief Eurozone Economist for Pantheon Macroeconomics. He also runs the Alpha Sources Blog. Economics and financial markets are Claus' passion and you'll likely find his ideas presented through his content on Alpha Sources interesting and insightful. He also happens to write fiction as well, which you can also find on his blog.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, finance and investment


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Abnormal Returns

If it's investment and finance articles you're looking for, but don't want to have to scour the internet, Abnormal Returns is the place for you. Tadas Viskanta's Abnormal Returns is essentially a round up of the best daily reads from the finance and investment blogosphere. Viskanta also occasionally weighs in with his own thoughts as well. This blog is a great daily source for investment and finance pieces from around the web.

Focus topics: Finance, investment


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Naked Capitalism

"We are shedding light on the dark and seamy corners of finance," so says the About section ofNaked Capitalism, a multi-author blog born out of frustration from what they perceived to be underreporting of the real issues behind the events leading up to the global financial crisis last decade. Naked Capitalism is a contrarian blog that pulls no punches "fearlessly" commenting on economics, finance, and politics frequently criticizing governments, the news media, and academia "particularly those who promote policies that favor entrenched interests and the wealthy while pretending they are good or necessary for ordinary people." This blog is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Focus topics: Economics, finance, politics, social inequality


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Tim Worstall

Worstall is a British writer and Senior Fellow at the Adam Smith Institute. His blog tends to cover econmics and politics, particularly related to the United Kingdom. Worstall is a writer with a talent for adding a bit of spice in the form of dry humor to his writing just to keep things interesting. His blog is more of a microblog with short snippets of commentary on news and articles from other outlets, however he is also a regular contributor to Forbes and the Register where you can catch more longer form articles of his, if you are interested. He has also been featured in The Guardian, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and many other prominent media outlets.

Focus topics: General economics, politics


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Marginal Revolution

Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, both professors at George Mason University, are the economists behind Marginal Revolution. Although more of a microblog, Marginal Revolution is one of the better economics blogs out there, featuring daily link roundups and some entertaining and often elightening debates among commentors on Cowen's and Tabarrok's posts.

The blog is an offshoot of the Marginal Revolution University, and online education website created by Cowen and Tabarrok. You can enjoy free videos, tutorials and other content as well as actively enroll in courses to receive certifications of completion. Both places are great to learn about economics.

Focus topics: General economics


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The Baseline Scenario

The Baseline Scenario is a multi-author blog co-founded in 2008 by James Kwak and Simon Johnson. James Kwak is a Professor of Law at the University of Connecticut. His expertise lies in banking and financial regulation, deficits, and fiscal policy. Simon Johnson is a Professor of Global Economics and Management at MIT. Their blog is dedicated to sheding light on some of the key economic issues the world faces and developing concrete economic policy proposals. The blog has been cited as one of the best blogs on economics and finance by the WSJ not once, but twice. The authors have also been in published in some of the most influential print newspapers in the world. The Baseline Scenario is one of the blogs you should at the very least short list to start reading in 2017.

Focus topics: General economics, politics


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Above the Market

Above the market is a finance and investment blog run by Bob Seawright, the Chief Investment & Information Officer for Madison Avenue Securities, LLC. Seawright was recently named in the Wall Street Journal as one of fifteen "smart people investors should follow." Naturally, he keeps his place on our list of Top Economics and Finance blogs in this 2018 version. According to the WSJ, Seawrite "specializes in exposing the foibles of the investing mind and the pitfalls of market analysis." If you are interested in finance and investment, have a look at this blog.

Focus topics: Finance, investment


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Almanac Trader

The Almanac Trader is the blog maintained by Jeff Hirsch, editor-in-chief of the Stock Trader's Almanac, an annual finance and investment strategy book that has been published continuously since 1967. In fact, the 2017 edition was the Stock Trader's Almanac's 50th Anniversary Edition. Hirsch is a 25-year vet of Wall Street and a regular contributor to CNBC, Fox Business, and Bloomberg Business. "A devout market historian, old school market technician and fundamental analyst, Jeff uncovers ripe trading and investment opportunities by zeroing in on securities where all three disciplines line up. He shares these ideas on individual stocks, ETFs, commodities and currencies." Visit his website if that sounds like something that tickles your fancy.

Focus topics: Finance, investment


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Cafe Hayek

Cafe Hayek is the economics blog run by Russ Roberts, a research fellow at Stanford University, and Don Boudreaux, a professor at George Mason University. As the title of the blog suggests, both economists are proponents of Friedrich Hayek and the Austrian school of economics. If you are interested in arguments against the more mainstream Keynsian school of thought, Roberts and Boudreax often make a convincing case.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, public policy


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The Alt-M blog is a joint effort by the Cato Institute's Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives and the Liberty and Privacy Network's Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights. There are various contributors to the blog, however, the collective aim of the blog is to explore and promote ideas for an alternative monetary future. The blog is heavily focused on monetary policy, alternative and commodity curriencies, inflation and deflation, and the like. According to Alt-M's website:

"Our goal is to reveal the shortcomings of today's centralized, bureaucratic, and discretionary monetary arrangements, and to bring serious consideration of real alternatives to the center stage of current monetary and financial reform debates."

Focus topics: Monetary policy, monetary economics


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Long and Variable

Tony Yates, a professor of economics at the University of Birmingham in the UK, writes the Long and Variable blog. The blog's material often covers monetary policy and central banking, however, macroeconomics and public policy in general are also a central theme. Yates states that the title of the blog comes from Milton Friedman's skepticism of changes in monetary policy and their effects on inflation and real economic activity. Although he does not endorse Friedman's economic and political ideals, he does hold that Friedman's long and variable skepticism is always a good thing to keep in mind when reading up on central banking and monetary policy. Lastly, he mentions that Long and Variable is simply a way to describe his blog posts, long and of variable quality. We beg to differ with the latter point.

Focus topics: Monetary policy, macroeconomics


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Andrew Gelman

Andrew Gelman is a professor of statistics and political science and the director of the Applied Statistics Center at Columbia University. His blog, as you might imagine is heavily focused on statistics in one form or another. If you are interested in statistics as well as economics with a little politics sprinkled on top, this blog is something you might find interesting.

Focus topics: Statistics, economics, econometrics


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Bill Mitchell – billy blog

Macroeconomics and especially Modern Monetary Theory is what you'll get at the billy blog. Professor of Economics at University of Newcastle in Australia, Bill Mitchell is one of the founders of MMT and a regular commentator on economic matters across the globe. Be sure to check this one out.

Focus  topics: Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), Macroeconomics


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Crossing Wall Street

Eddy Elfenbein is the portfolio manager of the AdvisorShares Focused Equity ETF (CWS) and is also a stock market guru. Eddy loves the stock market and "pretty much thinks its the best invention in history." Eddy's blog is geared toward finance and investment, but covers the occasional economic topic as well. The blog is as entertaining as it is informative. Reading the blog feels almost as if he's taking you're hand, helping you across Wall Street to guide you toward financial success. Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you understand the sentiment: The blog is certainly worth a read if you are interested in investment in financial markets.

Focus topics: Finance, investment


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Greg Mankiw's Blog

If you are a student of economics or just generally interest in learning about economics, Greg Mankiw, an introductory economics professor at Harvard University, has you covered. Even if you never studied economics at Harvard, chances are your economics textbook in school was written by the very same Greg Mankiw. He certainly knows his stuff. If you want to learn about the principles of economics, his blog is a great foundation on which to build.

Focus topics: General economics


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Curious Cat

A multi-authored blog, Curious Cat has been around for ages with its archived articles going all the way back to 2004. If you are interested in learning more about economics and finance, this blog is one to visit. The stated goal by Curious Cat is to teach their readers more about economics and investment so as to better their financial literacy in order for them to better manage their own portfolios and personal finances. And it's free, so what more could you ask for?

Focus topics: Economics, investment, financial literacy


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Macro Man

Macro Man, the anonymous writer that started it all, was back, but now he's gone again. But the Macro Man blog, lives on. The story of Macro Man is a bit of a confusing one: After leaving the blog back in 2010 to a group of other anonymous economists that went by the name Team Macro Man and subsequently left themselves a few years later, Macro Man was back in the hands of the original Macro Man. However, he has now gone on to greener pastures at Bloomberg, and now the blog is in the hands of Team Macro Man 2 or TMM2, for short. Whether its economics, finance or investment, Macro Man, the blog, still has you covered. Interspersed posts of "poetry and nonsense," as they put it, keeps the blog fun, fresh and entertaining.

Focus topics: General economics, finance, investment


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Dani Rodrik's weblog

Rodrik is an economist and professor at Harvard University. His blog features his "unconvential thoughts on economic development in globalization" in which he seeks to uncover the underlying issues of global development. Turkey is also a country of focus in his blog, as he is originally from the Eastern European country. We hope to see more commentary from Rodrik on Turkey in the near future as the country wades through a sea of security threats and a complicated political situation.

Focus topics: International economics, global development, political economy


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An Adjunct Scholar for the Cato Institute and a former Fed economist, Arnold Kling is the man behind the askblog. Kling gained notoriety as a blogger when he blogged for EconLog (covered later in this post). Kling covers just about everything there is in terms of economics in his blog. If it has to do with economics, you can probably find it there.

Focus topics: Economics, finance, politics


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Econospeak is a left leaning economics blog written by various authors. Authors of the blog tend to take pieces and quotes from the media or blogosphere ("annals of the economically incorrect") and comment where their view points differ. Whether you agree with them or not, the style of writing on Econospeak is often times funny, entertaining and never dull.

Focus topics: U.S. economics, politics, public policy


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Calculated Risk

Bill McBride is behind Calculated Risk, a blog that was originally started back in 2005 when McBride noticed a housing bubble getting ready to burst and sought to warn others about it. Turns out, he was right and he continues to blog on Calculated Risk about economics and finance with a particular focus on the U.S. economy and especially the housing market. As Professor James Hamilton of UCSD said, "if you've come up with a different conclusion from McBride on how economics developments are going to unfold, you'd be wise to think it over again!"

Focus topics: U.S. economy, housing market


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Falkenblog is written and maintained by Eric Falkenstein, an economics PhD and currently a portfolio manager. As he states in the "about me" section of his blog, his economic views tend to align closely to those of Hayek, Stigler and Friedman and his big idea is that "risk is generally not related to expected return because people are more envious than greedy."Although posts have been become sporadic of late, recent posts on Falkenblog provide for some long-form, insightful and interesting reads, while going through some of the older posts you'll find shorter more digestible posts that are still relevant today.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, finance, investment


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On the Economy

Jared Bernstein, former Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President of the U.S., Joe Biden, is currently a Senior Fellow of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. His blog, On the Economy, covers just what the name suggests, the economy, specifically the economy of the U.S. Some of the topics covered in Bernstein's blog include fiscal policy, income inequality, employment and wage trends, as well as analysis of the financial and housing markets. His posts are both very informative and engaging while he makes international comparisons and valid arguments.

Focus topics: Microeconomics, labor economics, fiscal policy, finance


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Monetary Freedom

LTC W. William Woolsey, or Bill Woolsey for short, writes the Monetary Freedom blog. He is currently an Associate Professor of Economics at The Citadel and the Mayor of the Town of James Island. He updates the blog often and tackles issues in the news related to politics and economics especially in the U.S.

Focus topics: General economics, politics, U.S. economy


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EconLog, sponsored by Liberty Fund, carries regular posts by Bryan Caplan, David Henderson, and Scott Sumner. Caplan, an outspoken advocate of open immigration, often writes posts that challenge readers to put their money where their mouths are on various economic outcomes. Henderson, a former senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisers, posts often on policy issues that cover the waterfront. He also likes betting. Sumner, a monetary economist and one of the outspoken advocates of Nominal GDP targeting, posts mainly on monetary and macroeconomic issues. All share a belief in economic freedom but none of them believe that this view should affect their analysis.The blog also has occasional posts by Alberto Mingardi from Italy and Emily Skarbek from Britain.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, monetary policy, international economics


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No Hesitations

Francis Diebold is the blogger behind No Hesitations, a largely statistics and econometrics driven blog. A professor of economics by day and (presumably) a blogger by night, this blog is highly technical, however, very interesting if you want to learn more on predictive dynamic modelling. Essentially, it teaches you how to can use statistics to predict outcomes and effects of change in the future. Again, this blog is highly technical, but worth a read through to see if it is your cup of tea.

Focus topics: Econometrics, statistics, predictive modelling


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The Everyday Economist

The Everyday Economist is an assitant professor of economics at the University of Mississippi by the name of Josh Hendrickson. Hendrickson's ability to write in a conversational tone make it a more readable blog than perhaps some of the others on this list. An ideal blog for an econmics novice, his posts are often of the tutorial or explainer variety, making them educational and relevant for longer periods of time.

Focus topics: General economics


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The Economonitor Blog was relaunched in August of 2015 in partnership with Roubini Global Economics (you may have heard of him). The Economonitor blog is "a community for informed commentary on economic, financial, and geopolitical developments around the world." It is run by CEO Norman Wetmore. This is a good one if you want to read the commentary from some of the most prominent economists and financial experts the world has to offer.

Focus topics: International economics, finance, politics


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Mises Wire

The Mises Institute is dedicated to educating the public on Austrian economics. The Mises Wire therefore is their online outlet where they write blogs posts commenting on economic and policy news arguing from the perspective of the Austrian school of economics. If you are interested in Austrian economics or simply just want to learn more about it, the Mises Wire is certainly a good place to start.

Focus topics: Austrian economics, general economics, public policy


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Truth on the Market

Truth on the Market is a blog maintained by a group of law professors and economists. The subject matter of their blog tends to cover business, law and economics, especailly in the U.S., but sometimes also branches out into other areas and locations of focus. A large portion of the blog's subject matter is devoted to commentary on antitrust, as well as economics.

Focus topics: Economics, business law


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OECD Insights

You've probably heard of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  (OECD), however you may not have heard of their blog, OECD Insights. The OECD is an intergovernmental oganization that is committed to stimulating world economic progress and world trade. OECD Insights, run by Patrick Love, a longtime writer on socioeconomic questions, seeks to explain important issues, especially economic issues, facing society in a clear and comprehensible manner. The blog not only features posts by Love himself, but many guest posts from authoritative figures in economics as well as from within the OECD organization.

Focus topics: General economics, development


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Bruegel is a European think tank that specializes in economics. Its mission is, "to improve the quality of economic policy with open and fact-based research, analysis and debate." Their research topics, which are reflected through posts on their blog, are European macroeconomics & governance, global economics & governance, finance & financial Regulation, and innovation & competition policy.

Focus topics: Macroeconomics, finance, business, public policy


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Ben Bernanke's Blog

If you have ever wanted to get inside the head of a central banker, Ben Bernanke's Blog may just be the best place to do that. He is currently a Distingushed Fellow in Residence with the Economics Studies Program of the Brookings Institution, however, between 2006 and 2014 Bernanke was the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and also served as the Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). Follow this blog if you are interested in reading the reflections of a former head of the Fed on economics, finance and monetary policy.

Focus topics: Economics, finance, monetary policy

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Date: January 24, 2018

Who Is Hayward Econ Blog


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