
Page Of Hope Title Test

The Hope Aspect and its God Tiers/Classpect Roles

Keywords: Unconditional Love or Trust, Confirmation, Harmony, Acceptance, Naive Optimism, Belief, Positivity, Euphoria, Getting the 'Green Light' or a Go Ahead, YES

Symbols: Unstoppable Forces, Truth/Authenticity, 'Angels'

Hope is one of the 12 Aspects of Homestuck. Its Opposite is the Aspect Rage. When I think of Hope, I think of Undying Faith and Belief that everything around you is perfect and is going to be okay, one way or another. Everything will turn out just fine, if not perfectly wonderful in the end. Hope is Unconditional Love and Trust, it is warm open accepting arms to anything or any person. It is the underlying thought that what is here is right and true. It is the thought that where there's a will there's a way! No matter how dark, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! It's the truth! It must be! Hope is always perfectly agreeable and optimistic that nothing will go wrong, so their answer is always a big enthusiastic YES! But don't think of Hope as just a calm and peaceful encouraging nudging force, Hope is also like the Angel that grabs you on the run, flying you forward at breakneck speed to your rewards and eternal happiness. It is the Drive, the Unstoppable Force of Will that pushes you forward against all odds.

Witch of Hope: One who Manipulates with Hope or Manipulates Hope

Witches are enthusiastic, confident and optimistic rebels. They break and change the physical and metaphysical "Rules" of their Aspect. Their challenge is to use their rule breaking powers in a morally conscious way

A Witch of Hope is very likely to be a seemingly happy bubbly trustworthy person, enthusiastic and confident in the fact that they can fool you into thinking they are safe and harmless. If Witches by themselves were already confident optimistic forces, a Witch of Hope is that x2! They seem to be accepting of all things, and comforting and understanding of all problems, even things that might seem impossible to accept or let slide. In that sense they are pretty much nearly impossible to insult or make angry or get there feathers ruffled. They are positive, unflinching, unstoppable forces.

They work for what they consider the greater good of all, even if they have to break some rules in the process. They can toy and play with people's faith and belief, either easing their fears or calming them down completely, or totally pacifying them into inaction so that none may oppose them. They might even do it in a Jedi mind trick kind of way like, "Everything is alright, there is nothing wrong, you are not in danger right now, it's all just an illusion." They can control what is truly real and what is fake, making them masters of illusion and deception.

Anyone under their control will be euphoric in their delusions, believing that what they experience makes them happy and is real. No matter how far from the truth that is in reality. A Witch of Hope also may be able to make their illusions and belief reality, by manipulating the aspect of realness and authenticity that is also a part of Hope. No matter what, if they believe something, it will be as they said, either through direct manipulation of the reality around them, or through hopeful euphoric delusions. A great example of a Witch of Hope is Ash Landers/Angela Blanc, the Angel from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler.

Heir of Hope: One who Invites Manipulation of Hope or one who Invites Manipulation through Hope

Heirs naturally gravitate towards their Aspect or unconsciously seek it out. All Heirs so far have huge amounts of Aspect related strength. Their challenge is to not get stuck on one thing and to know when to move on and adapt

Heirs of Hope would be firm believers in their chosen faith and have absolute trust in something, be it a person, thing, religion, spirituality etc. They have a strong sense of positivity as well, being able to be endlessly optimistic about something, no matter how hopeless the situation may seem. They might seem prone to inaction at first, simply trusting that the good outcome will happen no matter the situation and that everything will be fine no matter what they do, so they would seem to have no need or want for any type of action at first. They can be extremely naive in their optimism and euphoria though, since just because they believe a certain thing will happen, doesn't necessarily mean it will.

Their teammates would likely be saving them in the early game since the Heir of Hope would likely walk right into the face of danger absolutely fearless and naive to possibility that they could actually get seriously harmed. Let's just say a protective moirail would be good for their health. Though the Heir of Hope would see someone else saving them as "See? I knew I wasn't in any real danger because you ended up saving me!" They are very agreeable people and it will seem like nothing gets them angry or upset. They are happy and understanding of any situation to a fault. They would probably even be more likely to befriend their enemies rather than kill them, or at least they will want to try anyway.

But do not assume this means they are weak players, in fact, an Heir of Hope would have the unbelievable ability to unconsciously manipulate reality around them, just by believing in whatever situation they are in, if they truly believe they are not in danger, then they will not be, through any number of happenstance or circumstance that is manipulated around them to make what they believe reality. Basically, it's almost as if they are followed around by what seems to be a 'guardian angel', a hopeful force keeping them safe and happy at all times, and when they god tier, they will be able to perform the function of 'guardian angel' to others players if they so choose.

Mage of Hope: One who Knows with Hope or Knows Hope

Mages will uniquely experience their Aspect, both good and bad. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.

A Mage of Hope suffers from a naive optimism that makes them believe and trust in a lot of things, only for a lot of those things to turn out to be false and unreliable, this can give them a lot of experience and intuitive knowledge in recognizing authentic objects, people or intentions. There will be plenty of times they will trust someone or feel safe and happy around them, but it will turn out to be a deception all along, on the flipside they also recognize authentic things by interacting with truly authentic people. But there will also be times when what they put faith in will not fail them, and this is how they gain knowledge of what can be truly trusted and believed in. They have an innate sense of what is authentic and real, and what is not. They can spot a true authentic anything from a mile away, because they have that experience, that trial and error or that direct experience, to know and understand which is which.

They might have often said Yes to any number of questions or choices, later either finding them out to be good or bad ideas from doing them. They understand from this when it is right to say yes and put faith into something. They might also suffer from the general optimism and euphoria of the world around them, finding it frustrating that they all might believe in something that the Mage of Hope knows to be false. Then when the Mage of Hope discovers a truth, something real and authentic to believe and trust in, they might find no one else believes and no one else can see the truth that they do. They could suffer from their tendency to believe in someone or something, despite evidence to the contrary as well, having that undeniable need to want to believe and have faith, even if it looks like to others it will turn out badly. They might be the only person to trust and believe in something that no one else does because they truly know and experience that yes, they can be trusted and put their faith into it.

They want to Hope for the best. In this way they might let things happens or let people do things that might not turn out in the best interest, and so they suffer from that. Then other times it will work out, and they will gain the knowledge that this or person is to be truly trusted and believed in. They unstoppably move forward, never faltering in their path, despite the roadblocks or winding roads they must go down. They keep going, even when it looks like they might not be able to, because they believe that they can and because they know they can. Even when it looks like something has failed them, they trust and know when they have put their faith in the right place.

Seer of Hope: One who Invites Knowledge of Hope or one who Invites Knowledge through Hope

Seers are shown knowledge of their Aspect through its symbolic manifestations, like visions, persons, or magical objects. Their challenge is to be able to translate their insight and knowledge into action and decision.

A Seer of Hope will find themselves faced with many paths and choices for what to put their trust in and what to believe. Many outside sources will give them differing opinions about is truly real and The Seer of Hope's challenge is to learn and see through the false lies and find the one true authentic path for them to take. Maybe they need to figure out what it is exactly that they truly believe in. They might have trouble deciding who they can trust to confide in, who they can really count on in times of trouble. It also might be as simple as they need to figure out what they like and what makes them happy.

They might even struggle with the concept that anything is to really be trusted at all. They might have trouble seeing or understanding the true authentic object or person in a pile of fakes. They will be meticulous about their choices though, like all Seers, and like all Seers, their struggle comes from deciding and wondering if its the right choice especially for the Seer of Hope. Seers of Hope would be able to see the 'right' or 'true' path to take, but what the 'right' path means, is up for them to know and decide.

Regardless of struggles though, the Seer of Hope will be innately optimistic that they will be able to make the right choice. They have faith in themselves to be true or that will be able, even if they aren't always able to see the right choices in others right away. Like most Hope players as well, Seers of Hope would be happy agreeable people, if a little naive or overenthusiastic at times. They might not always know what's right, but they are confident that they will know when the time is right.

Prince of Hope: One who Destroys with Hope or Destroys Hope

Princes ghost their opposite Aspects as they destroy theirs. They are violently stubborn pessimistic people that stop at nothing to reach their goals. Their challenge is to not destroy themselves along their destructive path.

A Prince of Hope destroys Hope, Positivity, Harmony and Optimism in their path of Destruction. So they 'ghost' Rage in their destruction of Optimism, being pessimistic, defiant, skeptical, critical and doubtful of everyone and anything except themselves. They wield their own beliefs and faith stubbornly, refusing to see any alternative other than what they believe to be right and true. They destroy any kind of acceptance of any reality other than their own. This can make them live in a kind of bubble of delusion that surrounds them. Then their own stubborn beliefs can cause them or anyone else caught in their delusions to blindly walk into any situation without any thought that they might be wrong or that they have may have put faith in the wrong thing.

Though their powers to wield Hope can make it so that whatever they believe will actually be so, by destroying the truth in whatever they don't want to be true or real. But also the destruction of Hope, trust and love surrounds them with their own Hate and fear and mistrust. Princes of Hope would also wield Hope like a weapon, being an unstoppable force of destruction, constantly moving forward, trusting in their own innate power and believing in their own strength. They can destroy the authenticity or realness of anything they wish, by either shutting down the belief in it by using their defiant skepticism or by physically destroying it.

They are prone to be very negative people at times, but they are twice as stubborn and adamant in their beliefs as other Princes. When they get going they are unstoppable, and you only wish they are on your side and not out to get you. This can seem bad if what they believe is not what everyone commonly believes, thus they might not get along with people with conflicting views. But if everyone agrees on what is right, they are your unstoppable trustworthy right hand man in your main force.

Bard of Hope: One who Invites Destruction of Hope or one who Invites Destruction through Hope

Bards have easy going, laid back and/or avoidant, cowardly personalities. They ghost their opposite Aspect until a dire crisis pushes them into their own. Their challenge is to not be ruled by the whims of their Aspect.

A Bard of Hope would start out ghosting Rage in their tendency to destroy Rage. They'd be critical, defiant, doubtful and skeptical of everything and anything around them. They'd Hate and Fear things they don't understand, and be more than a bit Jaded. A Bard of Hope would destroy Hope and also destroy with Hope. They would shut down any kind of peace, joy or naive optimism, but then also turn around and use their own joy and belief to destroy others. In this way they might trolls in the sense of internet trolls, finding joy simply in being defiant, doubtful and negative to others.

Bards are passive, so they likely are not really angry people like Princes, but they are frustrated and annoyed with the ways things are, or simply avoidant or purposefully oblivious of things they don't like. They may have their own beliefs about the way things should have turned out or should turn out, and get frustrated when they don't happen. When a Bard of Hope has their crisis of aspect, it will involve them suddenly becoming optimistic and euphoric about a particular belief that may or may not require more than a stretch of the imagination to believe in.

But they believe in it fully, it is real and authentic to them, and they will go about making it even more real and authentic if they can, thinking they've had a life changing epiphany and will not accept any kind of doubt and criticism about any part of it, defending and upholding all of it. This unstoppable force of belief pushes them forward, more than likely more forward than they or anybody else is willingly to go. They blindly follow wherever their Hope may lead them, whether to glory or destruction, unable to accept anything except what they think is real and true. Being able to destroy their own Hope somewhat, and be able to get off the rushing High of Hope is this Bard's challenge. They must not let themselves be controlled by the whims of their Aspect, or they risk being destroyed by their own delusions.

Maid of Hope: One who Creates with Hope or Creates Hope

Maids start out relying on others for their Aspect. They're often treated like doormats, dismissed or pushed around by those they rely on. Their challenge is to learn to rely on themselves for their Aspect.

Maids of Hope start out relying on others for what to belief in or feel happy about. At their starting points they don't have much to believe in that is of their own making, just what others have told them. This can make them seem like very gullible people at first. They trust and love whatever they have been told to by some kind of authority figure, or what they have always grown up trusting and believing. They do anything they feel they have been allowed to do, and nothing can stop them, but anything they feel like they haven't gotten the green light for, they will not.

When a Maid of Hope rises to their challenge more and more they will start deciding what it they want to trust and believe in, maybe even creating some new that wasn't around before. They begin to earn to let themselves do things, all kinds of things. They learn to give themselves the green light or the go ahead. They learn to say yes to things that they want. Instead of being told what is real and what is not, they start deciding for themselves what they think is real or isn't. They stop being gullible like they once were and start making decisions for themselves about what to do and when. Instead of relying on others for confidence and confirmation and approval for things, they will approve for themselves what they should have confidence in and what they can confirm to be real and authentic.

As With their Maid of Hope powers as well, they can create new and authentic things, or create authenticity in things that were fake, through the power of their own belief that whatever it was really is real. They can create trust and love where none existed, and create harmony and acceptance happen even in the most stubborn people. They're the type to literally create a stuffed animal or something warm and fuzzy just to soothe an upset child. A Maid of Hope creates their own unstoppable forces and motivations that push them forward, so if one fails, they can easily make another to take its place.

Sylph of Hope: One who Invites Creation of Hope or one who Invites Creation through Hope

Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They meddle, healing or fixing any lack of it they notice. Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines

A Sylph of Hope is definitely a cheerful type, always seeing the harmony and positivity in everything. They would constantly meddle and look for anyone who was distrusting of something, someone who irrationally hated or feared something and they would try to help them get used to it. They try to get everyone to be accepting of everything and be in perfect harmony. They try to soothe anger and ease fears wherever they see it. They can be very persuasive people as well, trying their hardest to get someone to say 'yes' to something.

They try very hard to convince people to just try something, just one look, one bite, one little listen. They want people to understand, create or just try new things with them, believing new experiences to be good for everybody. They open their arms to all kinds of people and experiences, in the hope or belief that they can help heal whatever ills them. The downside is that the Sylph of Hope will probably not understand when to stop trying or when they aren't really helping, because in their mind, there is always something they can do to help. They may not understand that sometimes, some people need to be alone to heal, or that they aren't ready to heal just yet, or that maybe, whatever it is can't be healed.

The Sylph of Hope wants to fix it as quick as possible, but healing can be a long process and isn't always so simple. They might be a preacher of a faith they want to convert people too. Really they just want people to be happy, but they just believe the best ways to be happy is their ways. They think of themselves as encouraging, but they can have trouble just, listening and not giving advice to people at times.

Thief of Hope: One who Steals with Hope or Steals Hope

Thieves have good intentions, and might be egocentric. They have natural confidence with their Aspect, but hide insecurities and hate being seen as weak. Their challenge is to learn to let others have their Aspect as well

Thieves of Hope have a natural knack for believing in things, being harmonious and accepting of others. They are good at least acting completely positive and euphoric when need be anyway. They have a natural confidence x2 combob as well. Literally almost nothing can get them down. They steal for themselves others confidence and belief. Their trust and love, giving it to themselves. They take for themselves this unstoppable optimism from everyone around them and uses it to push them forward, making themselves more and more optimistic.

They want to be a rock star, fueled by people screaming their name. They want to be a Hero, someone that others put their unconditional faith and trust in. Failing that, they probably might want to be a God also. Depends on where a particular Thief of Hope decides to go. In any case, they want to be thrust up onto a pedestal of some kind, for people to worship and adore. They'll do it by any means necessary as well. They want to be trusted, to be loved, and they'll do that both by boosting themselves up and by pushing others like them down.

I am God because I am the only God or I am The Hero because I am the Only Hero. Not all Thieves of Hope will choose that route either, some might only focus on themselves and making themselves better, screw everyone else, I'm the Best. As Thieves though they can steal the authenticity and realness from people and objects, making people less likely to believe that they exist or are real. An example of a Thief of Hope would be Syndrome from The Incredibles movie.

Rogue of Hope: One who Invites Theft of Hope or one who Invites Theft through Hope

Rogues have problems coping with their Aspect or the lack of it, thinking they don't have it in them or that they can't handle it, causing them to give it up too easily. They challenge is to come to terms with their Aspect and own it.

Rogues of Hope would have trouble with the idea that you could put in something, or really truly believe in themselves. They having trouble trusting their own actions or the actions of others. It might be they simply can't accept themselves or love themselves, so they give up that love and trust and acceptance to another instead. They have trouble opening up and being honest and they would find it difficult to realize their own potential. They would not see any other possibilities, or they might ignore them or give them up, thinking they aren't actually possible.

They would give up their own ability to say yes to something or defer decisions onto others. Lots of things are simply "too good to be true" for them. Its too nice, its too good, I can't handle it, you deal with it, I don't believe it etc. Their own belief that they can't really be believed in holds them back at first. When Rogues of Hope start rising to their challenge, they will start taking trust, faith and love for themselves. They will start really believing they are worthy of affection and they will start trusting and believing people when they say "I trust you" or "I love you". They will let themselves relax and open up to others.

They take back for themselves optimism and positivity. They will let themselves feel harmonious joy and acceptance from others, and will want others to love and have faith in them. They will start seeing the potential and reality of what was once an impossible fantasy to them and start taking it for themselves. Crona from Soul Eater would be a good example of a Rogue of Hope from what I remember of the show, until they go crazy. I didn't watch all of Soul Eater and I forget bits and pieces of it, but when they were friends with Maka and them that was a step in the right direction.

Knight of Hope: One who Exploits with Hope or Exploits Hope

Knights hide a fear of a perceived fundamental failure with their Aspect behind a shield of confidence and obsessive effort. Their challenge is to learn to take it down a notch and to understand that they are skilled enough

A Knight of Hope is someone very skilled at using and exploiting their own optimism and positivity. They are an extremely great motivator and positive force. They are great at exploiting what they or others believe is real and authentic, using their truth and fact to sway people to their cause. They can exploit a person's harmony, acceptance, optimism and positivity to their benefit. They can use what people trust or what they believe to their benefit and they are great at instilling hope and motivation in either themselves or others in order to get people going. They are also very skilled at welcoming and accepting other people or different ideas, if they can prove their 'realness' or loyalty I guess.

They are also near unwavering in their beliefs or what they feel is right and true, unless of course they can be shown a realer alternative. They are true "Knights in Shining Armor" and being a motivational speaker might also be one of their great talents. Being a Knight though, they would be afraid that they are never actually trying hard enough, and this might also be where their motivation comes from. They might be stuck between two forces, the Knight who worries if it is ever enough and Hope who believes they are deep down, but it wouldn't hurt to be even more positive and authentic than they are now, now would it?

After all, we've been proven wrong before, so keep trying for the Truth! They can also be equally calm Loving Prophet as much as they can be Zealous Crusader. A Knight of Hope feels failure intensely though, because they feel they have soiled everything they've stood for when they are wrong. They fear they've led people or themselves astray chasing after lies, and so frantically search more for the truth. They hold strongly onto things they know and believe to be true, but wont hesitate to reject them the moment it becomes clear they have been false.

Page of Hope: One who Invites Exploitation of Hope or one who Invites Exploitation through Hope

Pages start with a deficit in their Aspect that they confidently overcome through obvious overcompensation. Their challenge is to keep at it, even if they fail and the journey is slow, for they become the strongest players

A Page of Hope would start out with a deficit in their ability to discern the truth of a thing or situation or in their ability to believe in the right things. They kind of have a gullibility from the Page that's made worse when combined with Hope, the aspect of authenticity and belief. But the overcompensation kicks in when they say how much they REALLY do believe in this thing that is totally real. 100% percent authentic. Like, where they fail in which thing is authentic they make up for in enthusiasm of belief and acceptance.

They will often get a thought like 'oh this is a thing' and just totally run with it, without stopping to maybe give it a bit more thought. They can be overly positive and always happy totally euphoric unstoppable forces, but in the beginning this is mostly an overconfident act to make others feel more positive. They have a bad habit of saying yes or agreeing to things without giving it much thought beforehand, simply thinking it sounds like a good idea, or it doesn't sound wrong per se so why not? In the beginning they can be utterly naive about the true nature of people, but with experience this will change.

The stronger a Page of Hope becomes, the more experience they will have and the more they will understand what is authentic and what you should trust and what you shouldn't. They won't be so gullible at the peak of their powers, and in fact, it may be quite difficult to pull the wool over their eyes more so than any other player. They will be able to exploit and use Hope to the fullest extent, unlocking the true potential of it within themselves. All Pages do this with their aspect kinda, in a show of power not unlike the Avatar State from ALTA/LOK or Tailed Beast Transformation from Naruto.

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Page Of Hope Title Test


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